
Date Broker house Analyst Rating
05.02.2025 Zürcher Kantonalbank Walter Bamert Market Perform
19.08.2024 Kepler Cheuvreux Doron Lande Buy

Current price

Various analysts regularly publish estimates for the shares of Metall Zug AG and publish studies on the expected course of business.

The table represents a selection of these analysts and estimates - without any claim to completeness, timeliness or classification. The evaluations, judgments and expectations do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Metall Zug AG or the management of Metall Zug AG.

For a copy of the study, please contact the respective analyst.

Metall Zug and the relevant brokerages disclaim all responsibility for the completeness, timeliness or classification of the information provided. Any liability for damages that may result, will be rejected.